Update 15.10.2020
Für Gäste aus Deutschland gilt:
In Rheinland-Pfalz gibt es KEIN Beherbergungsverbot für innerdeutsche Gäste, d. h. jeder Gast aus Deutschland darf in Rheinland-Pfalz, ungeachtet des Infektionsgeschehens seines Anreiseortes und ungeachtet des Reiseanlasses, beherbergt werden. Es sind keine Tests notwendig.
Kontakt/Contact: info@hotel-weinhof.de
Für Gäste aus dem Ausland/For guests from abroad:
In accordance with the provisions of the applicable Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (www.corona.rlp.de ) the accommodation of guests in Rhineland-Palatinate is only permitted
under the following conditions:
- Guests must be symptom-free upon arrival at the time of check-in.
- Guests must consult a doctor immediately if they have symptoms.
- If an infection is confirmed, the accommodation provider must be informed immediately, which will immediately inform the responsible health department.
- Guests who want to check in from a risk area must provide evidence of their non-infection by means of a medical certificate. The medical certificate must be based on a molecular biological test for the presence of an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which was carried out in a member state of the European Union or in another country published by the Robert Koch Institute and carried out no more than 48 hours before entry has been.
- Guests who are not willing to comply with the above rules may not be granted accommodation.
Kontakt/Contact: info@hotel-weinhof.de